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Target Exam





Medieval India: Peasants, Zamindars and the State


Read the passage and answer the question:

Revenue from the land was the economic mainstay of the Mughal Empire. It was therefore vital for the state to create an administrative apparatus to ensure control over agricultural production and to fix and collect revenue from across the length and breadth of the rapidly expanding empire. This apparatus included the office (daftar) of the diwan who was responsible for supervising the fiscal system of the empire. Thus revenue officials and record keepers penetrated the agricultural domain and became a decisive agent in shaping agrarian relations.

What was the name of the Mughal administrative system which had a military-cum-bureaucratic apparatus and was responsible for looking after the civil and military affairs of the state?


Zamindari system

Mansabdari system.

Jagirdari system.

Jajmani system.

Correct Answer:

Mansabdari system.


The correct answer is Option 2 - Mansabdari system.

The name of the Mughal administrative system which had a military-cum-bureaucratic apparatus and was responsible for looking after the civil and military affairs of the state was called the Mansabdari system.


The Mughal administrative system had at its apex a militarycum-bureaucratic apparatus (mansabdari) which was responsible for looking after the civil and military affairs of the state. Some mansabdars were paid in cash (naqdi), while the majority of them were paid through assignments of revenue (jagirs) in different regions of the empire. They were transferred periodically.