Practicing Success

Target Exam





Developing Psychological Skills


Questions that are intended to get a person to reflect on what s/he has said and expand on it are called __________.


Mirror questions 

Leading question

Open-ended questions

Bi-polar questions

Correct Answer:

Mirror questions 


Mirror Question: They are intended to get a person to reflect on what she or he had said and expand on it. For example, you said “I work so hard but I am unable to get success.” Please explain as to why this happens.

Open-ended Question: They are less direct and specify only the topic. For example, “How happy were you with your job on the whole?”

Close-ended Question: They provide response alternatives, narrowing the response variations. For example, “Do you think knowledge of a product or communication skill is more important for a salesperson?”

Bipolar Question: It is a form of close-ended question. It requires a yes or no response. For example, “Would you like to work for the company?”

Leading Question: It encourages a response in favour of a specific answer. For example, “Wouldn’t you say you are in favour of having officer’s union in the company?”