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Target Exam





Fundamentals of Human Geography: Human Development


Which of the following statements is /are NOT true in respect of human Development Index (HDI)?


The human development index (HDI) ranks the countries based on their performance in the key areas of health, employment and access to resources.

Each of these dimensions i.e. health, education and access to resources. is given a weightage of 1/3.

The indicator chosen to assess health is the life expectancy at birth.

None of the above.

Correct Answer:

The human development index (HDI) ranks the countries based on their performance in the key areas of health, employment and access to resources.


Option 1 is NOT true about the Human Development Index (HDI). The human development index (HDI) ranks the countries based on their performance in the key areas of health, education and access to resources. Employment (as mentioned in the option 1) is not a key area in HDI.

The indicator chosen to assess health is the life expectancy at birth (Option 3 is correct). A higher life expectancy means that people have a greater chance of living longer and healthier lives. The adult literacy rate and the gross enrolment ratio represent access to knowledge. The number of adults who are able to read and write and the number of children enrolled in schools show how easy or difficult it is to access knowledge in a particular country. Access to resources is measured in terms of purchasing power (in U.S. dollars).

Each of these dimensions is given a weightage of 1/3 (Option 2 is correct). The human development index is a sum total of the weights assigned to all these dimensions. The closer a score is to one, the greater is the level of human development. Therefore, a score of 0.983 would be considered very high while 0.268 would mean a very low level of human development