Practicing Success

Target Exam





Entrepreneurial Opportunity


Mr. Ravi, a producer of mask, came across a piece of information on his Whatsapp group, that a study had stated, that in June the 4th wave of deadly virus will be back. Based on the information, he increased his production capacity from 250 masks per day to 500 masks per day. Identify the trend.


Think trend

Watch trend

Read trend

Talk trend

Correct Answer:

Read trend


Mr. Ravi identified the trend through Read trend.

Reading is an active process that involves understanding and interpreting written information. In this case, Mr. Ravi read a study on his WhatsApp group that provided information about a potential increase in demand for masks. This information allowed him to make an informed decision about increasing his production capacity.

The other options are not suitable because:

  • Think trend: Thinking is a more general mental activity that can involve a variety of processes, such as reasoning, problem-solving, and creativity. While Mr. Ravi may have been thinking about the information he read, the passage specifically mentions that he read a study.
  • Watch trend: Watching is a passive activity that involves observing something happen. Mr. Ravi did not observe the trend happening, he read about it.
  • Talk trend: Talking is a communication activity that involves exchanging information with others. Mr. Ravi did not talk to anyone about the trend, he read about it.