Practicing Success

Target Exam





Accounts for Non Profit Organsiation


The difference in Asset side and Liability side of Balance Sheet of a Non profit Organisation is called as:


Accumulated Capital

Share Capital

Capital Reserve

Capital Fund

Correct Answer:

Capital Fund


‘Not-for-Profit’ Organisations prepare Balance Sheet for ascertaining the financial position of the organisation. The preparation of their Balance Sheet is on the same pattern as that of the business entities. It shows assets and liabilities as at the end of the year. Assets are shown on the right hand side and the liabilities on the left hand side. However, there will be a Capital Fund or General Fund in place of the Capital and the surplus or deficit as per Income and Expenditure Account which is either added to/deducted from the capital fund, as the case may be. It is also a common practice to add some of the capitalised items like legacies, entrance fees and life membership fees directly in the capital fund.