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Indian Economic Development: Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence


According to the description by Bernier, what were the major exports of seventeenth-century Bengal?


Cottons, silks, rice, sugar, and butter

Wheat, vegetables, grains, fowls, ducks, and geese

Fish of every kind

Pigs, sheep, and goats

Correct Answer:

Cottons, silks, rice, sugar, and butter


The French traveller, Bernier, described seventeenth century Bengal in the following way: “The knowledge I have acquired of Bengal in two visits inclines me to believe that it is richer than Egypt. It exports, in abundance, cottons and silks, rice, sugar and butter. It produces amply — for its own consumption — wheat, vegetables, grains, fowls, ducks and geese. It has immense herds of pigs and flocks of sheep and goats. Fish of every kind it has in profusion. From rajmahal to the sea is an endless number of canals, cut in bygone ages from the Ganges by immense labour for navigation and irrigation.