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Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Poverty

Which of the following is NOT a measure to calculate "Poverty" in India?
Determining Monthly Per Capita Expenditure
Calorie intake by people
Consumption in terms of monetary value
None of the above
Correct Answer:
None of the above
There are many ways of measuring poverty. One way is to determine it by the monetary value (per capita expenditure) of the minimum calorie intake that was estimated at 2,400 calories for a rural person and 2,100 calories for a person in the urban area. Based on this, in 2011-12, the poverty line was defined for rural areas as consumption worth Rs 816 per person a month and for urban areas it was Rs 1,000. Also, government calculates poverty with the help of the government uses Monthly Per Capita Expenditure (MPCE) as a proxy for the income of households to identify the poor