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Target Exam





Indian Society: Continuity and Change


Read the passage given below and answer the question.

Khasi matriliny generates intense role conflict for men. They are tom between their responsibilities to their natal house on the one hand, and to their wife and children on the other. In a way, the strain generated by such role conflict affects Khasi women more intensely. A women can never be fully assured that her husband does not find his sister's house a more congenial place than her own. Similarly a sister will be apprehensive about her brother's commitment to her welfare because the wife with whom he lives can always pull him away from his responsibilities to natal house. The women are more adversely affected than men by the role conflict generated in the Khasi matrilineal system not only because men wield power and women are deprived of it, but also because the system is more lenient to men when there is a transgression of rules. Women possess only token authority in Khasi society; it is men who are the defacto power holders. The system in indeed weighted in favour of male matri-kin rather than male patri-kin. (In other words, despite matriliny, men are the power holders in Khasi society; the only difference is that a man's relatives on his mother's side matter more than his relatives on his father's side).

In contest of Khasi matriliny identify the statement that truly reflects the position of women:


Women enjoy a position of economic power as they inherit property

Women enjoy a position of social powers as they live in a matrilineal society

Women process only token authority; it is men who are the defacto power holders

Women enjoy unlimited power as it is a matriarchal society

Correct Answer:

Women process only token authority; it is men who are the defacto power holders