Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Preposition


Fill in the blanks:

We go there ______ a view ______ study English.


with, by

without, to

with, to

about, by

Correct Answer:

with, to


The correct answer is Option (3) → with, to

"We go there with a view to study English."

- "With" indicates the manner or means by which something is done. In this case, it implies that the action of going there is accompanied by or in the company of having a particular intention or purpose, which is studying English.

- "To" is used to indicate the purpose or intention of an action. It shows the reason why someone does something or the goal they have in mind. In this context, it specifies that the purpose of going there is to study English.

So, the complete sentence means that the speaker and others go to a particular place with the intention or purpose of studying English.