Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Influence and Group Processes


Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct?

Statement 1: After the forming stage, the group enters the norming stage.

Statement 2: Norming stage is followed by performing stage.


Only 1 is correct.

Only 2 is correct.

Both statements are correct.

None of the statement is correct.

Correct Answer:

Only 2 is correct.

  1. Norming: After the storming stage, the group enters the norming stage which is the third stage. During this phase, group members develop shared norms and expectations regarding behavior within the group. This fosters the development of a positive group identity.
  2. Performing: The fourth stage is known as performing. At this point, the group's structure has evolved and is accepted by its members. The group progresses toward achieving its goals, and members actively contribute to the group's efforts. For some groups, this stage marks the final phase of their development.