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Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Manuscript Painting Tradition


What is incorrect about the centres of Buddhist learning during the Pala period?


Nalanda and Vikramsila were great centres of Buddhist learning.

Numerous manuscripts were illustrated with Buddhist themes.

Images of Hinayana Buddhist deities were only depicted.

The Pala period marked the last great phase of Buddhist art in India.

Correct Answer:

Images of Hinayana Buddhist deities were only depicted.


Images of Hinayana Buddhist deities were only depicted.

Like the Jain texts and paintings, the illustrated manuscripts of the Palas of eastern India also form the earliest examples of paintings from the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Pala period (750 CE to the mid–twelfth century) saw the last great phase of Buddhist art in India. Monasteries, such as Nalanda and Vikramsila were great centres of Buddhist learning, and art and numerous manuscripts were illustrated here with Buddhist themes and images of Vajrayana Buddhist deities on palm leaves. These centres also had workshops for casting of bronze images. Students and pilgrims from all over South East Asia came to these monasteries for education and religious instruction, and took back specimens of Pala Buddhist art in the form of bronze and illustrated manuscripts. This practice enabled the dispersal of Pala art to places, such as Nepal, Tibet, Burma, Sri Lanka and Java.