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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following political parties led the Punjabi Suba movement in India?


Bharatiya Janata Party

Ghadar Party

Shiromani Akali Dal

Indian National Congress

Correct Answer:

Shiromani Akali Dal


The correct answer is Option 3- Shiromani Akali Dal

The Shiromani Akali Dal led the Punjabi Suba movement in India.

The Punjabi Suba movement was a long-drawn political agitation launched by Punjabi speaking people (mostly Sikhs) demanding the creation of autonomous Punjabi Suba, or Punjabi-speaking state, in the post-independence Indian state of East Punjab. The movement is defined as the forerunner of Khalistan movement.

The Shiromani Akali Dal is a political party in India that represents the interests of the Sikh community. The party was founded in 1920 and it played a leading role in the Indian independence movement. After independence, the party advocated for the creation of a Punjabi Suba.

The Punjabi Suba movement was successful in achieving its goal. In 1966, the Indian government created a new state called Punjab, which was carved out of the former state of East Punjab. The new state of Punjab was predominantly Punjabi-speaking and it had a Sikh majority.

The Punjabi Suba movement was an important event in the history of Punjab. It helped to promote Punjabi language and culture and it strengthened the Sikh community. The movement also had a significant impact on Indian politics. It showed that the Indian government was willing to listen to the demands of its citizens and to make changes to the country's political structure.