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Indian Society: Patterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion

One of the founders of modern sociology, Karl Marx, was also a critic of modern capitalism. Marx understood capitalism as a system of commodity production, or production for the market, through wage labour. Marx wrote that all economic systems are also social systems.Each mode of production consists of particular relations of production, which in turn give rise to a specific class structure.
Select a correct statement about social equality from the following.
Social inequality is only based on economics.
Social inequality is individually understood.
Social inequality is random and doesn't have a pattern.
Social inequality is not just economical, and it is structured and systematic.
Correct Answer:
Social inequality is not just economical, and it is structured and systematic.
First, social inequality and exclusion are social because they are not about individuals but groups. Second, they are social in the sense that they are not economic, although there is usually a strong link between social and economic inequality. Third, they are systematic and structured – there is a definite pattern to social inequalities.