Practicing Success

Target Exam





Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter


The experimental setup used for the photoelectric effect is shown. It consists of an evacuated glass/quartz tube having a thin photosensitive plate C and another metal plate A. Light from the source S of sufficiently short wavelength passes through the window W and falls on the photosensitive plate C (emitter). The electrons are emitted by the plate C and are collected by the plate A (collector), by the electric field created by the battery. The battery maintains the potential difference between the plates C and A, that can be varied. Thus, the plate A can be maintained at a desired positive or negative potential with respect to emitter C. When the collector plate A is positive with respect to the emitter plate C, the electrons are attracted to it. The emission of electrons causes flow of electric current in the circuit called the photoelectric current.

What is the effect of intensity of light on photocurrent?


inversely proportional

directly proportional

partly both

does not depend

Correct Answer:

directly proportional

Higher the intensity of the light, larger is the number of photoelectrons emitted and hence, more is the photocurrent.