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Target Exam





Organic: Chemistry in Everyday Life


Which of the following is not a classification of drugs?


Based on size

Based on chemical structure

Based on drug action

Based on target

Correct Answer:

Based on size


The correct answer is option 1. Based on size.

Among the options provided, the classification of drugs based on sizeis  are not typically used as a classification method for drugs.

Let us look at each option:

1. Based on Size: This classification method is not commonly used to categorize drugs. Drugs can vary widely in size, ranging from small molecules like aspirin to large biologic agents like monoclonal antibodies. While size may influence certain pharmacokinetic properties of drugs, such as absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME), it is not a primary determinant of drug classification.

2. Based on Chemical Structure: Drugs can be classified based on their chemical structure, which refers to the arrangement of atoms and chemical bonds in the molecule. This classification method is commonly used to group drugs with similar structural features, allowing for predictions about their pharmacological properties and potential interactions.

3. Based on Drug Action: Drugs can also be classified based on their mechanism of action or pharmacological effects. For example, drugs may be categorized as analgesics (pain relievers), antihypertensives (blood pressure-lowering drugs), or antibiotics (anti-infective agents), depending on their intended therapeutic effects.

4. Based on Target: Another common classification method is based on the target of drug action, such as receptors, enzymes, ion channels, or cellular components. Drugs may be classified as agonists, antagonists, inhibitors, or modulators based on their interactions with specific molecular targets in the body.


While drugs can be classified based on various criteria, including chemical structure, drug action, and target, classification based on size is not typically used in the field of pharmacology and drug development. Instead, size considerations may be included within broader classification schemes that focus on other characteristics of drugs, such as their chemical properties or pharmacological effects.