Practicing Success

Target Exam







Select the correct indirect form of the given sentence.


"Doctor", the patient cried, “please tell me how much time I have."


The patient pleaded the doctor how much time she will have.

The patient exclaimed to the doctor that how much time she had.

The patient pleaded with the doctor to tell her how much time she had.

The patient cried to the doctor that how much time had she.

Correct Answer:

The patient pleaded with the doctor to tell her how much time she had.


The correct indirect form of the given sentence is:

The patient pleaded with the doctor to tell her how much time she had.

The other options are incorrect for the following reasons:

  • The patient pleaded the doctor how much time she will have. The verb "will have" suggests that the doctor is telling the patient about a future event, but the original dialogue is about a request.
  • The patient exclaimed to the doctor that how much time she had. The reporting verb "exclaimed" is not typically used to report requests or pleas.
  • The patient cried to the doctor that how much time had she. The word order is incorrect. The correct word order is "how much time had she".