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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System


Which of the following statement is incorrect and in context to the 1967 elections?


Congress retained power at the Centre but with a reduced majority and lost power in many States.

Most non-Congress coalition governments in the States did not survive for long.

The non-Congress governments lost the majority, either new combinations were formed or President’s rule had to be imposed.

It proved Congress is invincible at the elections

Correct Answer:

It proved Congress is invincible at the elections


The correct answer is Option 4 - It proved Congress is invincible at the elections

Option 1- Congress retained power at the Centre but with a reduced majority and lost power in many States.
Option 2- Most non-Congress coalition governments in the States did not survive for long.
Option 3- The non-Congress governments lost the majority, either new combinations were formed or President’s rule had to be imposed.
Option 4- It proved Congress is invincible at the elections (INCORRECT)

CORRECTION in Option 4- The results of the 1967 elections proved that Congress could be DEFEATED at the elections.


The results of the 1967 elections jolted Congress at both the national and state levels. Many contemporary political observers described the election results as a ‘political earthquake’.The Congress did manage to get a majority in the Lok Sabha, but with its lowest tally of seats and share of votes since 1952. Half the ministers in Indira Gandhi’s cabinet were defeated. The political stalwarts who lost in their constituencies included Kamaraj in Tamil Nadu, S.K. Patil in Maharashtra, Atulya Ghosh in West Bengal and K. B. Sahay in Bihar. The dramatic nature of the political change would be more apparent at the State level. Congress lost the majority in as many as seven states. In two other States defections prevented it from forming a government.

After the 1967 elections, the Congress retained power at the Centre but with a reduced majority and lost power in many States. More importantly, the results proved that Congress could be defeated at the elections. But there was no substitute as yet. Most non-Congress coalition governments in the States did not survive for long. They lost the majority, and either new combinations were formed or the President’s rule had to be imposed.