Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Based on following case study , answer the question. manufacturing unit. Her objective was to maximise her sales in

Supriya started a garment the very first year. For this she used aggressive selling technique. She got her firm registered with name "Styles Et Styles', which provided distinct identity to her firm. She used the most common tool for promotion, which is an impersonal form of communication. she started giving discount vouchers of her sister's accessories house. For sales promotion, She also started putting up her stalls in exhibitions in order to draw the attention of public. 

Identify which sales promotion tool was used for impersonal communication ?




Public relations

personal selling

Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option (2) : Advertising

Advertising is perhaps the most commonly used tool of promotion. It is an impersonal form of communication, which is paid for by the marketers (sponsors) to promote some goods or service. The most common modes of advertising are 'newspapers; 'magazines' 'television; and 'radio.

Personal selling :Personal selling involves oral presentation of message in the form of conversation with one or more prospective customers for the purpose of making sales. It is a personal form of communication.

Companies appoint salespersons to contact prospective buyers and create awareness
Publicity:Publicity is an unpaid form of communication. It does not involve any direct expenditure by the marketing firm;