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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following Acts was also known as Montague-Chelmsford Reform?


Indian Independence Act 1947

Government of India Act 1919

Pitt's India Act 1784

Charter Act 1813

Correct Answer:

Government of India Act 1919


The correct answer is Option 2- Government of India Act 1919

The Government of India Act 1919 was also known as the Montague-Chelmsford Reform.
It was a constitutional reform act passed by the British Parliament that introduced a system of limited self-government to India. The act was named after Edwin Samuel Montagu, the Secretary of State for India, and Lord Chelmsford, the Viceroy of India.

The Montague-Chelmsford Reform was the first major step towards Indian independence. It introduced a number of important changes, including:

  • Increasing the size of the legislative councils at the central and provincial levels.
  • Introducing direct elections for a limited number of seats in the legislative councils.
  • Permitting Indians to hold seats on the executive councils of the central and provincial governments.
  • Creating separate electorates for Muslims in the legislative councils.