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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge




Which of the following does not help in replenishing groundwater?



Increasing population


All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


The correct answer is option 4. All of the above.

Let us look at each factor:

1. Deforestation:

Trees play a crucial role in maintaining the water cycle. They absorb water from the soil through their roots and release it into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration. This contributes to the formation of clouds and precipitation.

When forests are cut down or significantly reduced (deforestation), the land loses its ability to retain water. Rainwater is less effectively absorbed into the soil, leading to reduced groundwater recharge.

2. Increasing Population:

As the population increases, there is often an increased demand for water resources for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes.

Over-extraction of groundwater to meet the needs of a growing population can lead to a depletion of aquifers, reducing the amount of water available for replenishing groundwater.

3. Industries:

Industrial activities can contribute to groundwater pollution through the release of contaminants and pollutants. Chemicals and waste discharged from industries can seep into the ground and contaminate aquifers.

Pollution reduces the quality of groundwater and, in some cases, can make it unsuitable for consumption or other purposes.

In summary, deforestation reduces the natural processes that contribute to groundwater recharge, increasing population leads to higher water demand and over-extraction, and industrial activities can introduce pollutants that degrade the quality of groundwater. All these factors combined can have detrimental effects on the replenishment of groundwater.