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Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


1. The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) defines ecotourism as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserve the environment and sustain the well-being of local people."

2. Responsible tourism observes basic eco-ethical tenets. Fundamental rights like the right to exist or to live in peace, right to pure air and pure water are basic rights even for wildlife, indigenous people as well as for nature as whole.

3. Nature tourism and wildlife tourism are top priority for most foreign tourists, but in the Indian context, all picnics, nature walks, nature camps, trekking, hiking, safaris, jungle trails, mountaineering, cultural tours, pilgrimages, beaching, water sports, canoeing, boating and game-fishing should all observe eco-ethics. One step forward in ecotourism is to get involved in eco-restoration, biodiversity restoration and eco-development of local people in any degraded tourist ecosystem. 

4. India, with her kaleidoscopic ecosystems and a wealth of cultural heritage of great antiquity has immense scope for ecotourism. Constant research to identify newer areas and spots for eco-tourism, preparing brochures on them and on the eco-ethics relevant to each, organising environmental trails and training knowledgeable guides, preferably using the services of the local people are the obligations of the tourism department.

5. This novel concept of ecotourism is so visionary that in the long run, it would be much viable economically, sustainable ecologically, acceptable socially and ideal philosophically rather than traditional tourism.

According to the author, the tourism department should :


preserve the cultural heritage of great antiquity

exploit scope of ecotourism merely for profit

explore and develop newer opportunities only for wildlife tourism

use the services of local people to create knowledgeable guides

Correct Answer:

use the services of local people to create knowledgeable guides


The answer is implied in the statement "Organising environmental trails and training knowledgeable guides, preferably using the services of the local people are the obligations of the tourism department." in Para 4.