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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following is not an example of a modified product?


Hard Drive




Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (4) - Medicine

Medicine is not typically considered an example of a modified product.

Hard Drive: A hard drive undergoes manufacturing processes to assemble its components and integrate electronic circuits, resulting in a functional storage device for computers.

Steel: Steel undergoes various manufacturing processes, including smelting and refining iron ore, to produce the material used in construction, manufacturing, and other applications.

Paint: Paint consists of various chemicals and pigments mixed together to form a liquid coating material used for coloring and protecting surfaces.

Medicine: Medicine, particularly pharmaceutical products, is not typically considered a modified product in the same sense as consumer goods like hard drives, steel, or paint. While medicines undergo manufacturing processes to produce the final dosage forms, such as tablets, capsules, or liquid formulations, they are primarily considered chemical compounds or formulations rather than products that have been significantly altered or modified from their original state. Instead, medicines are designed to have specific chemical compositions and therapeutic effects to treat or prevent diseases, and their production involves strict regulations and quality control measures to ensure safety and efficacy. Therefore, medicine is not typically categorized as a modified product in the same way as consumer goods.