Practicing Success

Target Exam





Arrange in Meaningful Sequence


Rearrange the jumbled groups of words to make a meaningful sentence

A. On the tools you had been taught

B. The problem you face become more constructured

C. In management as you rise higher

D. And you can’t afford to fall back


B, A, C, D

C, A, D, B

C, B, D, A

A, B, C, D

Correct Answer:

C, B, D, A



The correct answer is C, B, D, A.

The sentence should read: In management, as you rise higher, the problems you face become more unstructured, and you can't afford to fall back on the tools you had been taught.

The word "in" indicates that the sentence is about management. The word "as" indicates that the sentence is about what happens as you rise higher in management. The word "you" refers to the person who is rising higher in management.

The word "face" means to experience or encounter something. The word "problems" refers to difficulties or challenges. The word "become" means to change into something. The word "unstructured" means not having a clear or definite form or plan.

The word "afford" means to be able to pay for something. The word "fall back" means to return to something that you used to do or rely on. The word "taught" means to be instructed or given knowledge.