Practicing Success

Target Exam





Physical: Solutions


Match the entries of column I with appropriate entries of column II and choose the correct option out of the four options given.

Column I Column II
(i) Saturated    solution   (a) Solution having same osmotic pressure at a given temperature as that of given solution
(ii) Binary solution (b) A solution whose osmotic pressure is less than that of another
(iii) Isotonic solution (c) Solution with two components
(iv) Hypotonic solution (d) A solution which contains maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent at a given temperature

(i)-(c), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(a), (iv)-(b)

(i)-(b), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a), (iv)-(d)

(i)-(d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a), (iv)-(b)

(i)-(d), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(b)

Correct Answer:

(i)-(d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a), (iv)-(b)


(i) Saturated solution: A solution which contains maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent at a given temperature is called saturated solution.

(ii) Binary solution: A solution in which only two components are present is called binary solution.

(iii) Isotonic solution: A solution which have same osmotic pressure at a given temperature as that of given solution is called isotonic solution.

(iv) Hypotonic solution: A solution whose osmotic pressure is less than that of given solution at a given temperature is called hypotonic solution.