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Indian Society: Demographic Structure of Indian Society

Read the passage given below and answer the following question .
The Global Influenza Pandemic of 1918-19 Influenza is caused by a virus that attacks mainly the upper respiratory tract – the nose, throat and bronchi and rarely also the lungs. The genetic makeup of influenza viruses allows for both major and minor genetic changes, making them immune to existing vaccines. Three times in the last century, the influenza viruses have undergone major genetic changes, resulting in global pandemics and large tolls in terms of both disease and deaths. The most infamous pandemic was “Spanish Flu” which affected large parts of the world population and is thought to have killed at least 40 million people in 1918-1919. More recently, two other influenza pandemics occurred in 1957 (“Asian influenza”) and 1968 (“Hong Kong influenza”) and caused significant morbidity and mortality globally.
The genetic makeup of influenza viruses allows for both major and minor genetic changes. This is cause of concern because_______
There is inadequate healthcare infrastructure in India
It affects the nervous system.
It leaves no scope for further research on the disease.
It makes them immune to existing vaccines
Correct Answer:
It makes them immune to existing vaccines
Influenza is caused by a virus that attacks mainly the upper respiratory tract – the nose, throat and bronchi and rarely also the lungs. The genetic makeup of influenza viruses allows for both major and minor genetic changes, making them immune to existing vaccines.