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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge




In which of the following planets, atmosphere is made up of clouds of sulphuric acid?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option 2. Venus.

Venus has a dense and hostile atmosphere consisting mainly of carbon dioxide \((CO_2)\), with traces of other gases such as nitrogen and sulfur dioxide \((SO_2)\). Within this atmosphere, there are extensive cloud layers primarily composed of sulfuric acid \((H_2SO_4)\) droplets.

These sulfuric acid clouds form in Venus's upper atmosphere, where sulfur dioxide \((SO_2)\) molecules are converted into sulfuric acid \((H_2SO_4)\) through a series of chemical reactions involving ultraviolet radiation from the Sun and interactions with other atmospheric components. The sulfuric acid droplets condense and accumulate to form thick cloud layers that completely envelop the planet.

The sulfuric acid clouds play a significant role in Venus's atmospheric dynamics and contribute to its extreme greenhouse effect. They reflect sunlight back into space, preventing much of it from reaching the planet's surface and leading to cooler temperatures at the surface compared to what might be expected given Venus's proximity to the Sun. However, they also trap heat radiated from the planet's surface, contributing to the extreme temperatures and high pressures found in Venus's atmosphere.

These clouds also have important implications for Venus's weather patterns and atmospheric circulation. They contribute to the planet's highly reflective appearance, making Venus one of the brightest objects in the sky when viewed from Earth.

In summary, Venus's atmosphere is dominated by clouds of sulfuric acid, which form an integral part of the planet's atmospheric composition and play a crucial role in its climate and atmospheric dynamics.