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Target Exam





Medieval India: Bhakti Sufi Traditions


'Malfuzat' an important source for constructing history is _________.


A record of conversations of sufi saints.

A record of agrarian tax.

A record of kings announcement.

A collection of letters written by sufi saints.

Correct Answer:

A record of conversations of sufi saints.


The correct answer is Option (1) → A record of conversations of sufi saints.

Malfuzat (literally, "uttered"; conversations of sufi saints) - An early text on malfuzat is the Fawa'id-al-Fu'ad, a collection of conversations of Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya, compiled by Amir Hasan Sijzi Dehlavi, a noted Persian poet. Source 9 contains an excerpt from this text. Malfuzats were compiled by different sufi silsilas with the permission of the shaikhs; these had obvious didactic purposes. Several examples have been found from different parts of the subcontinent, including the Deccan. They were compiled over several centuries.

So, the correct option is [1].