Practicing Success

Target Exam





Accounting Ratios


Which of the following transaction will make no change in the current ratio (2:1) of the company?
A) Cash collected from trade receivables
B) B/R received from trade receivables
C) B/R endorsed to trade payables
D) B/R dishonoured
E) Sale of inventories at par for cash
F) Sale of investments at profit for cash
G) Sale of stock at loss for cash






Correct Answer:



A) Cash collected from trade receivables - NO CHANGE-Both current assets and current liabilities are not affected because one current asset is converted into other current asset.
B) B/R received from trade receivables-NO CHANGE-Both current assets and current liabilities are not affected because one current asset is converted into other current asset.
C) B/R endorsed to trade payables -INCREASE-Both current assets and current liabilities are decreased by same amount
D) B/R dishonoured- NO CHANGE- Both current assets and current liabilities are not affected because one current asset is converted into other current asset.
E) Sale of inventories at par for cash-NO CHANGE-Both current assets and current liabilities are not affected because one current asset is converted into other current asset.
F) Sale of investments at profit for cash- INCREASE-Current assets are increased by the amount of profit and current liabilities are not affected.
G) Sale of stock at loss for cash-DECREASE-Current assets are decreased by the amount of loss and current liabilities are not affected.