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Target Exam



Business Studies


Principles of Management


What is the benefit of using a standard method for performing a task?


It can improve efficiency

It can reduce errors

It can make it easier to train new employees

All of these

Correct Answer:

All of these


There are many benefits to using a standard method for performing a task, including:
Improved efficiency: When everyone is following the same method, it is easier to identify and eliminate bottlenecks. This can lead to significant improvements in efficiency.
Reduced errors: When there is a standard method in place, it is less likely that workers will make mistakes. This is because the standard method has been carefully designed to be the most efficient and error-free way to perform the task.
Easier training: When new employees are trained on a standard method, they are more likely to learn the task quickly and correctly. This is because the standard method has been broken down into step-by-step instructions.
In addition to these benefits, using a standard method for performing a task can also help to improve quality, safety, and consistency.