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Target Exam





Chemical Coordination and Integration


Which one of the following is INCORRECT pair regarding to the hormone and its source of secretion:


Hormone                  Source of secretion

Relaxin                        Corpus luteum

Hormone                     Source of secretion

Oestrogens                      Corpus luteum

Hormone                  Source of secretion

Oestrogens                  Graafian follicles             

Hormone                 Source of secretion

Progesterone                Corpus luteum

Correct Answer:

Hormone                     Source of secretion

Oestrogens                      Corpus luteum


The correct answer is Option (2) -   Hormone               Source of secretion

                                                          Oestrogens             Corpus luteum


Ovary gland secretes oestrogens, progesterone, relaxin, inhibin and estradiol hormones.

Oestrogen secreted by graffian follicles, stimulates maturation of ova.

Progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum, stimulates development of the uterine epithelium and mammary gland.

Relaxin is also secreted by the corpus luteum only during the later stages of pregnancy and helps to softens ligaments. 

Inhibin secreted by the corpus luteum inhibits the FSH production.

Estradiol is the principal feminizing oestrogens.