Practicing Success

Target Exam





Self and Personality


The ____________ emerges in relation with others and emphasises such aspects of life as cooperation, unity, affiliation, sacrifice, support or sharing.


Social self

Personal self

Social identity

Personal identity

Correct Answer:

Social self


The personal self leads to an orientation in which one feels primarily concerned with oneself. We have talked above how our biological needs lead to the development of a ‘biological self’. But, soon a child’s psychological and social needs in the context of her/his environment lead other components of personal self to emerge. Emphasis comes to be laid on those aspects of life that relate only to the concerned person, such as personal freedom, personal responsibility, personal achievement, or personal comforts. The social self emerges in relation with others and emphasises such aspects of life as cooperation, unity, affiliation, sacrifice, support or sharing. This self values family and social relationships. Hence, it is also referred to as familial or relational self.