Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Arrange the following steps of 'motivating process' in the correct order.

A. Tension

B. Drives

C. Unsatisfied need

D. Satisfied need

E. Search behviour

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


C, D, A, B, E

C, A, B, E, D

B, A, D, C, E

E, A, D, B, C

Correct Answer:

C, A, B, E, D


The correct answer is option (2) : C, A, B, E, D

An unsatisfied need of an individual creates tension which stimulates his or her drives. These drives generate a search behaviour to satisfy such need. If such need is satisfied, the individual is relieved of tension

The correct order of the steps in the motivation process is as follows :

1. C. Unsatisfied need

2. A. Tension

3. B. Drives

4. E. Search behaviour

5. D. Satisfied need

So, the correct answer is :

2. C, A, B, E, D

1. Unsatisfied Need (C) : The process begins with an unsatisfied need. This could be a physical need (e.g., hunger or thirst) or a psychological need (e.g., the need for companionship or achievement).

2. Tension (A): The unsatisfied need generates a psychological tension or discomfort within the individual.

3. Drives (B): Drives are internal states of tension or arousal that motivate an individual to take action to reduce that tension..

4. Search Behavior (E): Driven by the tension (drive), individuals engage in search behaviors to find a way to satisfy the need.

5. Satisfied Need (D): When the need is satisfied through the search behavior, it leads to a sense of relief or a reduction in tension..

Understanding this process helps psychologists and behavioral scientists explain why individuals are motivated to take action to meet their needs and why they engage in specific behaviors in response to those needs