Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Which of the following is NOT a feature of formal organisation?


It specifies the relationships among various job positions.

The standards of behaviour of employees are evolved from group norms.

It is deliberately designed by the top management.

It places less emphasis on interpersonal relationships among the employees.

Correct Answer:

The standards of behaviour of employees are evolved from group norms.


The correct answer is option 2- The standards of behaviour of employees are evolved from group norms.

Option 2 is the feature of informal organisation.

The structure in a formal organisation can be functional or divisional. The formal organisation has some features which are as follows:

(a) It specifies the relationships among various job positions and the nature of their interrelationship. This clarifies who has to report to whom.

(b) It is a means to achieve the objectives specified in the plans, as it lays down rules and procedures essential for their achievement.

(c) Efforts of various departments are coordinated, interlinked and integrated through the formal organisation.

(d) It is deliberately designed by the top management to facilitate the smooth functioning of the organisation.

(e) It places more emphasis on work to be performed than interpersonal relationships among the employees.