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Legal Studies


Legal Maxims

This legal maxim means that a judicial decision must be accepted as correct. In other words, once a competent court has reached a decision after following the due process of inquiry in a matter between the same parties, it should not be allowed to be agitated over and over by the same or another court. Identify the legal maxim discussed herein.
Res Judicata Accipitur Pro Veritate
Noscitur a Sociis
Injuria Sine Damnum
Ad Valorem
Correct Answer:
Res Judicata Accipitur Pro Veritate
Res Judicata Accipitur Pro Veritate: It means, a judicial decision must be accepted as correct. In other words, once a competent court has reached a decision after following the due process of inquiry in a matter between the same parties, it should not be allowed to be agitated over and over by the same or another court. Res Judicata is a phrase which has been evolved from a Latin maxim, which stand for ‘the thing has been judged', meaning there by that the issue before the court has already been decided by another court, between the same parties. Therefore, the court will dismiss the case before it as being useless. Res Judicata as a concept is applicable both in case of Civil as well as Criminal legal system.
'A' sued 'B' for committing the offence of theft. The court after considering all the evidences ruled in favor of 'B'. After few days 'A' again sued 'B' for the same, the court dismissed the petition filed by 'A' by quoting the maxim 'Res Judicata Accipitur Pro Veritate'.