Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Cultural Change


Modernization process involves which of the following?


Individual as primary unit of society

Group as primary unit of society

Association based on birth

Identity is ascribed

Correct Answer:

Individual as primary unit of society


The correct answer is Option (1) → Individual as primary unit of society

Sociologists have tries to define what exactly constitutes the modernisation process.

‘[M]odernity’ assumes that local ties and parochial perspectives give way to universal commitments and cosmopolitan attitudes; that the truths of utility, calculation, and science take precedence over those of the emotions, the sacred, and the non-rational; that the individual rather than the group be the primary unit of society and politics; that the associations in which men live and work be based on choice not birth; that mastery rather than fatalism orient their attitude toward the material and human environment; that identity be chosen and achieved, not ascribed and affirmed; that work be separated from family, residence, and community in bureaucratic organisation….(Rudolph and Rudolph, 1967)