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Target Exam



Political Science




Which empires were affected by nationalism and broke up in the early twentieth century in Europe?


Ottoman and Byzantine empires

Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires

British and French empires

The Yin and Yang empires

Correct Answer:

Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires


The correct answer is Option 3- Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires
The Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires were significantly impacted by nationalist movements, resulting in their disintegration and the emergence of new nation-states.

Nationalism also accompanied and contributed to the break up of large empires such as the Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires in the early twentieth century in Europe as well as the break-up of the British, French, Dutch and Portuguese empires in Asia and Africa. The struggle for freedom from colonial rule by India and other former colonies were nationalist struggles, inspired by the desire to establish nation-states which would be independent of foreign control.