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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: The Constitution and Social Change

In 1939, Gandhiji wrote an article in the ‘Harijan’ called ‘The Only Way’ in which he said “... the Constituent Assembly alone can produce a constitution indigenous to the country and truly and fully representing the will of the people” one based on “unadulterated adult franchise for both men and women”. The popular demand in 1939 for a Constituent Assembly was, after several ups and downs conceded by Imperialist Britain in 1945. In July 1946, the elections were held. In August 1946, The Indian National Congress’ Expert Committee moved a resolution in the Constituent Assembly. This contained the declaration that India shall be a Republic where the declared social, economic, and political justice will be guaranteed to all the people of India.
The preamble of the Indian Constitution seeks to ensure
Social, political, and economic justice.
Social, political, and economic equality.
The dignity of each individual.
All of the above.
Correct Answer:
All of the above.
The preamble of the Indian Constitution seeks to ensure the dignity of each individual. It also seeks to ensure justice and equality at social, political, and economic levels for all its citizens.