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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Change and Development in industrial Society


The name of the famous sociologist who argued that the use of machinery actually deskills workers:


E.P. Thompson

Karl Marx

Satish Saberwal

Harry Braverman

Correct Answer:

Harry Braverman


The correct answer is Option (4) → Harry Braverman

One important debate in sociology is whether industrialisation and the shift to services and knowledge-based work like IT leads to greater skills in society. We often hear the phrase ‘knowledge economy’ to describe the growth of IT in India. But how do you compare the skills of a farmer who knows how to grow many hundreds of crops relying on his or her understanding of the weather, the soil and the seeds, with the knowledge of a software professional? Both are skilled but in different ways. The famous sociologist Harry Braverman argues that the use of machinery actually deskills workers. For example, whereas earlier architects and engineers had to be skilled draughtsmen, now the computer does a lot of the work for them.