Practicing Success

Target Exam





Therapeutic Approaches


Match List I with List II




 Psychodynamic therapy 


 Faulty behavioural pattern 


 Cognitive therapy


 Emotional insight


 Behavioural therapy


 Personal growth


 Humanistic therapy


 Faulty thought pattern

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A - IV, B - III, C - II, D - I

A - II, B - IV, C - I, D - III

A - I, B - IV, C - III, D - II

A - I, B - IV, C - II, D - III

Correct Answer:

A - II, B - IV, C - I, D - III


Psychodynamic therapy values emotional insight as the important benefit that the client derives from the treatment. Emotional insight is present when the client understands her/his conflicts intellectually; is able to accept the same emotionally; and is able to change her/his emotions towards the conflicts. The client’s symptoms and distresses reduce as a consequence of this emotional insight.

The behaviour therapy considers changing faulty behaviour patterns to adaptive ones as the chief benefit of the treatment. Instituting adaptive or healthy behaviour and thought patterns ensures reduction of distress and removal of symptoms.

The humanistic therapy values personal growth as the chief benefit. Personal growth is the process of gaining increasing understanding of oneself, and one’s aspirations, emotions and motives.

The cognitive methods employed in this type of therapy challenge the faulty thinking patterns of the client to help her/him overcome psychological distress.