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Target Exam



Political Science


Rights In The Indian Constitution


An order is served to four newsreaders of a television channel that they would no longer read the news on screen. They are all women. The reason given is that they are above the age of forty-five. Two male newsreaders above the same age are not barred from presenting the news.

Which 'fundamental right' is being violated in the mentioned scenario?


Right to Equality

Right to Discrimination

Right against Exploitation

Right to Read

Correct Answer:

Right to Equality


The correct answer is Option 1 - Right to Equality

The scenario described indicates that the fundamental right being violated is the Right to Equality.

Right to Equality is enshrined in Articles 14 to 18 of the Indian Constitution. It ensures that every citizen is treated equally before the law and prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth.

In this case:
The four women newsreaders are barred from presenting news because they are above the age of forty-five.
Two male newsreaders above the same age are not barred from presenting the news.

This constitutes gender-based discrimination and violates the principle of equality.