Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the option that is the correct direct form of the sentence. She said, since it was evening, she had to go for a run.


She said, “It is evening I must ran.”

She said, “It is evening I might go for a run.”

She said, “It is evening I should go for a run.”

She said, “It is evening I must go for a run."

Correct Answer:

She said, “It is evening I must go for a run."


The correct direct form of the sentence "She said, since it was evening, she had to go for a run." is She said, "It is evening, so I must go for a run."

The other options are incorrect:

  • She said, “It is evening I must ran.” This is incorrect because the verb "ran" should be "run" to match the present tense.
  • She said, “It is evening I might go for a run.” This is incorrect because the modal verb "might" suggests uncertainty, which is not the meaning of the original sentence.
  • She said, “It is evening I should go for a run.” This is incorrect because the modal verb "should" suggests obligation or recommendation, which is not the meaning of the original sentence.