Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science




Match List -1 with List - 2:

List- 1

List- 2

(A) Zero Hour

(I) Another name for Rajya Sabha

(B) Question Hour

(II) A period where members can raise any matter they think is important

(C) Council of States

(III) enable Ministers to respond to questions raised by members

(D) House of the People

(IV) Another name for Lok Sabha

Choose the correct answer from the given options:


(A)-(IV), (B)-(II), (C)-(III), (D)-(I)

(A)-(IV), (B)-(III), (C)-(II), (D)-(I)

(A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(IV), (D)-(I)

(A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV)

Correct Answer:

(A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV)


The correct answer is Option 4 - (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV)

The correct Match is:

List- 1

List- 2

(A) Zero Hour

(II) A period where members can raise any matter they think is important

(B) Question Hour

(III) enable Ministers to respond to questions raised by members

(C) Council of States

(I) Another name for Rajya Sabha

(D) House of the People

(IV) Another name for Lok Sabha


Zero Hour is a period where members are free to raise any matter that they think is important, though ministers are not bound to reply.

The Question Hour is held every day during the sessions of Parliament, where Ministers have to respond to searching questions raised by the members.

The term ‘Parliament’ refers to the national legislature. The legislature of the States is described as State legislature. The Parliament in India has two houses. When there are two houses of the legislature, it is called a bicameral legislature. The two Houses of the Indian Parliament are the Council of States or the Rajya Sabha and the House of the People or the Lok Sabha. The Constitution has given the States the option of establishing either a unicameral or bicameral legislature. At present only six States have a bicameral legislature.