Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Rearrange the staffing process in proper sequence ?

(A) Training and Development

(B) Performance Appraisal

(C) Placement and Orientaion

(D) Promotion and Career planning

(E) Compensation

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


(A), (C), (D), (B), (E)

(A), (C), (B), (D), (E)

(C), (A), (D), (B), (E)

(C), (A), (B), (D), (E)

Correct Answer:

(C), (A), (B), (D), (E)


The correct answer is option (4) : (C), (A), (B), (D), (E)

The correct sequence is option (4) (C, A, B, D, E).

(C) Placement and Orientation: This is the initial step where an employee is placed in the right position and introduced to the organization through an orientation program.

(A) Training and Development: After placement, training and development help employees acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for their roles.

(B) Performance Appraisal: Performance appraisal evaluates employees' performance in their roles, which is important for career development and compensation decisions.

(D) Promotion and Career Planning: As employees gain experience and skills, they may be considered for promotions and career advancement.

(E) Compensation: Compensation, including salary adjustments and rewards, is often determined based on performance appraisal and career planning.

So, this sequence ensures that employees are placed properly, developed, provided with opportunities for career growth, evaluated, and compensated appropriately.