Practicing Success

Target Exam







What is another term used to describe decomposers that highlight their role in decomposition?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is c) Saprotrophs.

Saprotrophs is another term used to describe decomposers that highlight their role in decomposition. Saprotrophs are organisms that obtain their nutrients by breaking down dead organic matter or detritus. They are also known as saprophytes or saprobes.

The term "saprotroph" comes from the Greek words "sapros" meaning "rotten" or "decayed" and "trophe" meaning "nutrition" or "feeding." It reflects the fact that these organisms derive their nourishment from the decomposition of dead organic material.

Saprotrophs, including fungi and bacteria, play a crucial ecological role in the recycling of nutrients. They secrete enzymes that break down complex organic compounds, such as cellulose, lignin, proteins, and carbohydrates, into simpler molecules. Through this process of decomposition, saprotrophs release nutrients, such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other essential elements, back into the ecosystem.

The decomposition activities of saprotrophs are essential for nutrient cycling in ecosystems. By breaking down dead organic matter, they help to unlock the nutrients contained within it and make them available for reuse by other organisms, including plants. Without the action of saprotrophs, dead organic matter would accumulate, and nutrients would become locked up and unavailable for living organisms.

While autotrophs (option a) are organisms that can produce their own food through processes like photosynthesis, and producers (option b) are generally associated with plants and other photosynthetic organisms, the specific term that emphasizes the role of decomposers in decomposition is saprotrophs (option c). Carnivores (option d) are organisms that feed on other animals and are not directly involved in decomposition.