Practicing Success

Target Exam





Dissolution of Partnership Firm


A and B are partners in a partnership firm sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2. They decided to dissolve the partnership firm. All assets other than cash and liabilities have been transferred to Realisation Account. Following information is available:

Book value of stock = ₹4,00,000
Debtors= ₹2,64,000
Provision of doubtful debts= ₹24,000
Book debts proved bad= ₹48,000
Building= ₹5,00,000
Machinery= ₹6,00,000
Investments= ₹40,000

What is the journal entry of realisation of the building if it is sold for ₹8,00,000 through a broker who charged a 2% commission?


Bank A/c   Dr.          ₹7,74,000
   To Realisation A/c                ₹7,74,000
(Building sold)

Bank A/c    Dr.            ₹7,84,000
   To Realisation A/c                    ₹7,84,000
(Building sold)

Realisation A/c   Dr.  ₹7,50,000
   To Bank A/c                        ₹7,50,000
(Building sold)

None of these

Correct Answer:

Bank A/c    Dr.            ₹7,84,000
   To Realisation A/c                    ₹7,84,000
(Building sold)


The correct answer is option 2-
Bank A/c    Dr.            ₹7,84,000
   To Realisation A/c                    ₹7,84,000
(Building sold)

Book value= ₹5,00,000
Sold,= ₹8,00,000
Commission,= 8,00,000 x 2/100
                  = ₹16,000

Realised value = 8,00,000-16,000
                     = ₹7,84,000

Journal entry will be:
Bank A/c    Dr.            ₹7,84,000
   To Realisation A/c                    ₹7,84,000
(Building sold)

Bank account is debited with the increase in cash balance of the firm and realisation account is credited as building has been already transferred to realisation account.