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Target Exam





Ancient India: Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings


Consider the following statements in reference to the temple architecture of ancient India and state which one is/are true.

I- Early temple had a small square room called garbhagriha.
II- Tall structure was built over the central shrine which was called shikhara.


Only I is correct

Only II is correct

Both I and II are correct

Neither I nor II is correct

Correct Answer:

Both I and II are correct


During the period when stupas like those at Sanchi were taking shape, the construction of the first temples to house images of gods and goddesses also commenced. These early temples consisted of a small square room known as the garbhagriha, containing a single doorway for devotees to enter and offer worship to the deity's image. Over time, a tall structure called the shikhara was added over the central shrine. Temple walls were adorned with sculptures, adding to their grandeur.

As time progressed, temples evolved into more intricate structures, incorporating assembly halls, spacious walls, gateways, and provisions for water supply. These later temples displayed a greater level of complexity and grandeur.