Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Business Services


.....................are linkages and switched services within a licensed area of operation to operate media services, which are essentially one-way entertainment-related services.


Fixed line services

Cable services

DTH services

Cellular mobile services

Correct Answer:

Cable services


The correct answer is option 2- Cable services.

Cable services: These are linkages and switched services within a licensed area of operation to operate media services, which are essentially one-way entertainment related services. The two-way communication including voice, data and information services through cable network would emerge significantly in the future. Offering services through the cable network would be similar to providing fixed services.



  • Cellular mobile services: These are all types of mobile telecom services including voice and non-voice messages, data services and PCO services utilising any type of network equipment within their service area. They can also provide direct inter connectivity with any other type of telecom service provider.
  • Fixed line services: These are all types of fixed services including voice and non-voice messages and data services to establish linkages for long distance traffic. These utilise any type of network equipment primarily connected through fiber optic cables laid across the length and breadth of the country. The also provide inter connectivity with other types of telecom services.
  • DTH services: DTH (Direct to Home) is again a satellite-based media services provided by cellular companies. One can receive media services directly through a satellite with the help of a small dish antenna and a set-top box. The service provider of DTH services provides a bouquet of multiple channels. It can be viewed on our television without being dependent on the services provided by the cable network services provider.