Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the option that is the direct form of the sentence.

Devi replied that she was sorry but she could not go.


Devi replied, “I’m sorry but I cannot go.”

Devi replied, “ She was sorry I could not go.”

Devi replies, “I could not went but sorry.”

Devi replied, “Sorry she could not go.”

Correct Answer:

Devi replied, “I’m sorry but I cannot go.”


The correct option is Devi replied, “I’m sorry but I cannot go.”

The sentence "Devi replied that she was sorry but she could not go" is in indirect speech. To convert it to direct speech, we need to remove the word "that" and change the verb "replied" to "said". We also need to add quotation marks around the reported speech.

The other options are incorrect because:

  • "Devi replied, "She was sorry I could not go."" changes the meaning of the sentence. The original sentence says that Devi was sorry, but the new sentence says that someone else was sorry for Devi.
  • "Devi replies, "I could not went but sorry."" uses the past tense of the verb "go", which is incorrect because the original sentence is in the present tense.
  • "Devi replied, "Sorry she could not go."" is grammatically incorrect. The pronoun "she" refers to Devi, but the sentence is saying that someone else could not go.