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Which of the following addition of substances represents the process dilution?


Acid + water

Base + water

Plastic + water

Both option 1 and Option 2 are correct

Correct Answer:

Both option 1 and Option 2 are correct


The correct answer is option 1. Both option 1 and Option 2 are correct.

Dilution is a process in which a more concentrated solution or substance is mixed with a solvent, typically water, to decrease its concentration. This process is commonly used in laboratory settings, industrial processes, and everyday life to achieve desired concentrations of solutions or to make solutions less concentrated.

When diluting a solution, it is crucial to add the concentrated substance slowly to the solvent, usually water, while stirring continuously. This prevents rapid heat generation or splashing, which can lead to accidents. It's important to note that dilution should always be performed by adding the concentrated substance to the solvent, not the other way around. This is because adding water to a concentrated solution can cause a sudden release of heat, known as an exothermic reaction, which can be dangerous.

In the context of acids and bases:

  • Diluting an acid involves adding the concentrated acid slowly to water, with continuous stirring. This helps to control the temperature rise and ensures proper mixing.
  • Diluting a base follows the same procedure, with the concentrated base being added slowly to water while stirring.

The addition of water to either an acid or a base results in the formation of a less concentrated solution, reducing the concentration of the acid or base. This process allows for the adjustment of pH levels or the preparation of solutions with specific concentrations needed for various applications.

In summary, dilution involves mixing a concentrated solution or substance with a solvent, typically water, to reduce its concentration while ensuring safety and proper mixing procedures. Both acids and bases can be diluted using this process, which is an essential technique in chemistry laboratories and industrial settings.