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Who among the following developed the Polio vaccine?


FG Hopkins

Jonas Salk

Edward Jenner

Robert Koch

Correct Answer:

Jonas Salk


The correct answer is Option (2) - Jonas Salk

Dr. Jonas Salk developed the first successful polio vaccine. Polio, also known as poliomyelitis, is a highly infectious viral disease that can cause paralysis. In the early to mid-20th century, polio epidemics were a significant public health concern worldwide, causing widespread illness and disability, particularly among children.

Jonas Salk, an American virologist and medical researcher, began working on a vaccine for polio in the 1940s. His approach involved using inactivated, or killed, poliovirus to stimulate the body's immune response without causing the disease itself. Salk conducted extensive research and testing to develop a safe and effective vaccine.

On April 12, 1955, after successful clinical trials involving millions of participants, the Salk vaccine was declared safe and effective and was licensed for widespread use in the United States. The announcement of the vaccine's success marked a major milestone in the fight against polio and generated widespread optimism and relief worldwide.

The development of the polio vaccine by Jonas Salk was a groundbreaking achievement in medical science and public health. It led to a significant reduction in polio cases globally and paved the way for subsequent efforts to eradicate the disease through vaccination campaigns. Salk's work remains a landmark contribution to the field of immunization and disease prevention.